
About Us

The Christian Orthodox Brotherhood of Apostle Paul Bookstore Ltd Apostle Paul Bookstore was founded by 1984 by Mike Micos (Gerasimos Michopoulos) for the spiritual needs of all Orthodox Christians in Sydney and beyond.

It is governed by the Articles of Association contained in its Constitution.

The principle Articles of Association are as follows:
The Apostle Paul Bookstore is registered as a non-profit charitable organisation limited by guarantee
All staff are volunteers
All income and donations pay for all stock, any taxes levied on goods and the maintenance of the building and utilities
All income and donations are reinvested in the Bookstore
In the event of the liquidation of the Bookstore, all funds, assets and stock will be distributed to an organisation with similar values to the Bookshop, that is, an Orthodox Christian charity organisation made public to all members of the Bookstore.

The Bookstore is governed by a committee of 7 members elected at the AGM during which an audited financial report is made public.
All financial accounting is recorded and reported in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Government and as stipulated in the Constitution.
Financial reports and Minutes of the AGM are available to all members.

442 Princes Highway
Rockdale NSW 2216
Ph: 02 9567 3273