
Christian Morality

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St Nicodemos the Hagiorite






St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite (1749-1809) is best known, together with St. Macarios of Corinth, for two of the greatest collections of spiritual and mystical writings in the Orthodox Church, The Philokalia and The Evergetinos, as well as his compilation of Church Canons, The Rudder. However, many scholars and religious writers consider his Χρηστοήθεια, a treatise on Christian morality, his finest work, both from the standpoint of its refined style and with regard to its meticulous discussion of Christian ethics and morals, which he draws from Scripture, the Church’s canonical and Patristic witness, the spiritual precepts underlying its hagiography, hymnography, and iconography, and the highest philosophical traditions of the ancients. The annotated translation of the book and a useful index, coming from translators who also worked on the first complete English translation of the four volumes of the Greek text of The Evergetinos, are complemented by a beautiful cover and handsome, two-color printing on fine, acid-free paper.


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