
Ecumenism Examined: A Concise Analytical Discussion of the Contemporary Ecumenical Movement.

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Constantine Cavarnos




The text of this book is a lecture that was delivered by Professor Constantine Cavarnos at Paramus, New Jersey, in March 1996. The lecture was addressed to the Orthodox Christian priests of New Jersey who had invited him to speak on the subject of Ecumenism among Christians.
This lecture is a concise analytical discussion of the subject of the contemporary Ecumenical Movement: an introduction to it by reference to earlier discussions of it by Dr Cavarnos and an attempt to define it and distinguish its different aspects. It deals especially with the problem of the participation of the Orthodox Church in that Movement.
In view of the confusion and agitation that prevail among the Orthodox clergy and laity regarding Ecumenism and the participation of Orthodox Christians in it, such a treatment of the subject is absolutely necessary. — Backcover


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