
Joyful Light: Saint Haralambos

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The priest martyred at age 113

Saint Haralambos was astonishing given the span of his life and the brutality of his martyrdom. As the leader of the Church of Magnesia, he was a fearless preacher of the gospel who won many souls to Jesus Christ, thereby attracting the ire of the regional proconsul. But why ravage the body of an old man so near death? What possible threat could he have posed against an Empire? What purpose would be served by scraping the weathered flesh off the body of an old man?

Beloved, make no mistake about the power of the Christian gospel. Seen through the lens of our times, such martyrologies indeed seem fanciful and pointless, relics of the unenlightened eras of the distant past. But such uncompromising figures expose the flimsy kingdoms and fallen value systems of the world, then as now, as shambolic. So long as we are willing to dance to the tune piped for us by the children of the marketplace (cf. Matthew 11 :16) we pose no threat to the kingdom of darkness — we blend in. But dare we follow, with humility and conviction, the path of holiness, ablaze with the love of Jesus Christ, we soon part company with those affronted by His Joyful Light.


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