
Let Us Attend

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Fr Lawrence Farley






Let Us Attend: A Journey through the Orthodox Divine Liturgy

The Importance of the Eucharist
Beginning the Journey
“Blessed Is the Kingdom!”
The Great Litany
The Antiphons
The Entrance and the Trisagion
The First Blessing
The Readings, Gospel and Homily
The Intercessions
The Great Entrance and Prayer of Access
The Peace
The Closing of the Doors
The Creed
The Anaphora
The Pre-communion Prayers
The Reception of Holy Communion
The Final Rites
Living a the Light of the World
A Comparative Chart of Liturgical Development
– The Liturgy in the time of St Justin Martyr, ca.AD150
– The Liturgy in the time of St John Chrysostom, ca. AD400
– The Modern shape of the Liturgy from ca.AD1300


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