
Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies

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St Gregory Palamas, Christopher Veniamin (Editor)






The Scholar’s Edition: for priests, theologians and the interested layperson. The first edition of all sixty-three extant sermons by St. Gregory to appear in English translation, presented together with an Introduction to the Homilies, over 1,000 notes and scholia, an index of Scriptural References, an index of Names and Subjects, and an index of Greek Words, designed to transform this remarkable treasury of Patristic wisdom into an invaluable reference resource for the student of theology. This edition completes and supersedes The Homilies of Saint Gregory Palamas.

St. Gregory Palamas represents Orthodox theology at its most sublime. Patristic theology in the fourteenth century, of which St. Gregory is indubitably the greatest exponent, touched the very boundaries of theological expression.

St. Gregory’s sermons are among the finest in Patristic literature. In his treatment of the manifold themes contained therein, he is remarkably consistent in maintaining a balance between originality of thought and strict adherence to the tradition of his predecessors. Moreover, his genius resides in the ease with which he demonstrates, as only a master of the spiritual life can, the refreshingly practical significance of the doctrines of the Church for the Life in Christ.


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