
The Holy Trinity: In the Beginning There Was Love

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In his book, The Holy Trinity: In the Beginning There was Love,” Fr. Staniloae offers a profound insight to the Trinity and its central role in our Orthodox Christian faith. “The Orthodox Church se the Holy Trinity as the love of God that works through the Holy Spirit  in the souls of believers, in order to raise them into the loving relationship between its Persons. For this reason, the sacraments have a decisive importance in the believer’s lives. In them the Holy Trinity works through the Holy Spirit in their souls.”
Fr. Staniloae (1903-1993) is widely considered as one of the greatest Orthodox theologians of the twentieth century. He was Professor of Dogmatics at the Theological Institute in Bucharest, Romania, from 1947 to 1973. In 1990 he was made a Member of the Romanian Academy.



I. The Meaning of Existence
II. Thirsty for Infinity
III. Perfect Love
IV. Distinct Yet Uninterrupted
V. The Love of the Son
VI. Incarnation
VII. Three is Perfection
VIII. The Spirit of Unity
IX. Sanctification
X. Praise to the Spirit of Life


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