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Author | Bishop Palladius, SAGOM Press Publisher |
Format | Softcover |
Pages | 209 |
The Life of Saint John Chrysostom: a dialogue by Palladius, Bishop of Helenopolis
Most brilliant star in the firmament of the saints, pillar of the Church, and teacher of the Universe, the whole city gathered in the different churches to hear Saint John Chrysostom preach. His brilliant eloquence made such a profound impression that he was often interrupted by the thunderous applause of the congregation. His words were like the abundant waters of the river which makes glad the city of God (Psalm 45:4); they entered deeply into people’s hearts and raised up souls to God and to love of virtue.
Bishop Palladius, the saint’s hagiographer and disciple, renders the magnificent portrait of a man who stood above the world in the realm of the eternal. Chrysostom’s austere ascetical struggles, his salvific preaching to the thunderous acclaim of his flock, and his elevation to the pinnacle of the Church as Archbishop fo Constantinople, startlingly, juxtaposes the treacherous intrigues of heretics plotting against him culminating in violence, mayhem, and murder on the night of Holy Pascha; the city in flames, the saint’s ruthless banishment and his martyric death in exile. Saint Joh himself wrote of these events in his life, How can I tell you what followed, a tale more harrowing than any tragedy? What words can express it? What ears can hear it without a shudder?
Few Hagiographers are as gripping and spiritually edifying as Palladius’s portrayal of the greatest Shepherd of the Orthodox Church who ever lives.
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